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who we are

Our Mission

King Street Church is a company of believers in Keysville, Virginia, purposefully committed to revival- That Jesus would receive His reward in our hearts, lives, families, community and the Earth, 

Core values

God is Good

God's nature and influence In creation is good. 


everything concerning the believer was accomplished at the cross

Nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible for God or for those that believe


we are empowered and required to live boldly and missionally

Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

Isaiah 60:1

our foundation

The Kingdom of God is a family. We are sons and daughters of the Father, our relationships are stewarded as a Heavenly privilege. 

The Kingdom of God is experienced in the tension between Christ's manifest reign now and His ever increasing dominion. Our desire is that our lives would reflect that belief through ever growing authentic communion with the Father. 

The Kingdom of Heaven has been pioneered by love. Love is the most powerful force the Earth has ever experienced, exemplified by Jesus in His Earthly ministry, culminating at the cross. We are empowered by love to overcome sin, live righteous, as the only natural response to His love we express our love in sacrificial response. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is not in word alone but in power. We believe it is Gods pleasure to manifest His power through miracles, signs, and wonders. We believe the Church cannot afford to believe in a powerless gospel. 

our beliefs

We believe that every word of the Bible is God-breathed and written through human authors who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is complete truth that is applicable to our everyday lives and communicates God’s loving heart for all people.

We believe in one God who has existed for all time in three persons (Trinity): the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. He created men and women, the Heavens and the Earth, all living things and the entire universe and continues to watch over all of it today. He is the source of all life, love, faith and truth.

We believe that Jesus was fully human and fully God, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life on earth, but willingly died on a cross, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.  He was buried and rose again to demonstrate His power over sin and death. Fully alive, He ascended to heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. One day He will return to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords!

We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. His presence causes people to become aware of their need for Jesus.  He lives inside all believers to lead, guide, teach, and bring understanding and insight about the Scriptures and the ways of God on a daily basis.

We believe that the church is not merely a building, but a community of believers unified by their faith in Jesus Christ. The local church is the community of faith where every Christian participates and serves as an integral part of the body of believers. It is where worship, teaching, service and relationships come together to glorify God and make Him known throughout the world.

We believe in the baptism of Holy Spirit and believe it to be a second baptism (the first being water baptism). The purpose of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to enable & empower the believer for ministry and to be a witness.


We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in scripture are still available & active in the life of a Spirit-filled believer today. We desire to see spiritual gifts being used regularly in ministry and in our every-day lives throughout the week.

We believe that people were created in God’s image and that all mankind, through rebellion and disobedience (sin), has been separated from God and the life He has planned for us. Without God we are without hope.

We believe that only through the forgiveness for our sins can our relationship with God be restored so we may receive eternal life (salvation). We must believe, by faith, in who Jesus Christ is and decide to stop living for ourselves and instead serve Him (repent). We believe that salvation is based solely on Christ’s work on the cross and His grace; not on anything we have done or can do. It is a free gift of God!

We believe that Jesus is coming back again, though no one is able to determine when. And when He does, He will establish His kingdom here on the earth, just as He promised!

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